Have you been charged with a weapons offense?

It is no secret that Massachusetts has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. Many people who are charged with weapons charges are unaware they are breaking the law because they are unaware of the stricter gun laws. Regardless of where you are in the Commonwealth, if you are in possession of a firearm without a license you may be charged with a weapons offense.

Gun Licensing in Boston, MA

There are extensive procedures that you must follow before you can obtain a firearm in Massachusetts. All gun licenses in the state are designated as Class A or Class B. Class A is the only license that allows the carrying of concealed handguns, loaded or unloaded. The law dictates how guns must be stored. In order to obtain a firearm license, you must be at least 21 years of age or older. In order to obtain a Class A or Class B license, you may have to complete a training course.

It is required that you renew your license every six years, at a price of $100. While you are allowed to carry a loaded or unloaded rifle upon or across a public way if you are engaged in hunting and have a valid hunting license, you cannot possess a loaded rifle or shotgun within 500 feet of a building or dwelling without the occupant’s/owner’s permission. No one with a prior felony conviction is allowed to legally have a firearm. If you violate any of these conditions, you could be criminally charged.

Firearms: Laws & Regulations

According to Massachusetts Law §269.10 (2011), the penalties for violating a law regarding dangerous weapons includes a minimum 18 month jail sentence which could increase up to 30 months. Moreover, they will be eligible for parole only after they have served at least 18 months of their sentence and they cannot apply for any outside work release or furlough. If the dangerous weapon was found on the accused’s person, the penalties will increase. They are subject to at least 30 months in state prison up to 5 years. If an individual sells or fails to keep accurate records regarding a firearm sale, they could be put in jail for up to 30 months and fined up to $500.

You can also be charged for having a machine gun or sawed-off shotgun, or having a concealed firearm in public. If the weapon is loaded, you may face hefty fines and up to two years in prison. Carrying a large capacity weapon can require that you serve a minimum of one year and potentially up to ten. To learn more about these laws and how you can avoid the penalties of a conviction, call today!