Areas of Practice
Drug Crimes
Probation Violation
Violent Crimes
Internet Crimes
Sex Crimes
Theft Crimes
Juvenile Crimes
Weapon Offenses
Anyone who is found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on a public roadway can be convicted of a DUI. If you are accused of an OUI or a DUI, it is crucial that you take careful care and consideration of your defense options.
More DetailsDrug Crimes
It is a common misconception that an operating under the influence charge must be alcohol related. Alcohol intoxication is but one of the reasons for an OUI. In fact, any kind of substance abuse that causes a person to be intoxicated or high, including controlled substances, prescription drugs, and even some over the counter (OTC) medications can result in an OUI charge.
More DetailsProbation Violation
After being convicted of a criminal offense, the court may grant probation instead of imprisonment. Many courts prefer probation to incarceration because it is lower than the cost of housing and feeding prisoners, and providing them all with health care.
More DetailsViolent Crimes
Any crime that involves violence will be handled extremely seriously by the law. Due to the harm that can come to the victims, it is an offense that requires aggressive, clear-eyed defense to ensure that their legal rights are protected. By working with me, you can be confident knowing you have an experienced advocate on your side who truly cares about the outcome of your case.
More DetailsInternet Crimes
The internet presents boundless opportunity for users to access information anywhere in the country and all over the world. As a result, there is increased opportunity for illicit financial gain through a variety of white collar crimes and illegal acts of all types.
More DetailsSex Crimes
Sex crimes carry some of the harshest punishments in our criminal system today. If convicted, your name is permanently registered in a sex offender database accessible by the public. Even after you’ve served your sentence, this can make finding a place to live or a job very difficult.
More DetailsTheft Crimes
Thousands of burglaries, robberies, larcenies, and vehicle thefts are committed across Boston every year. With prosecutors who are primed to crack down on these charges, you need a legal advocate in your corner who has the proven experience to combat the accusations against you.
More DetailsJuvenile Crimes
According to Massachusetts law, a juvenile is someone under the age of 17. Juveniles, also known as minors, often underestimate the consequences of their actions. It is easy for a simple prank to result in an arrest and the possibility of punishment under the law.
More DetailsWeapon Offenses
It is no secret that Massachusetts has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. Many people who are charged with weapons charges are unaware they are breaking the law because they are unaware of the stricter gun laws.
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